The Council of Guilds held our second Mixer Hunt on Saturday, July 22, 2000. The Council staged hunts to multiple dungeons, depending on level. Each dungeon was given a dungeon leader, from the member guilds of the Council, who was in charge of coordinating the hunt for that dungeon. All hunts were to begin staging at 1 pm Central Standard time, with the actual raids beginning at 2 pm Central Standard time. The dungeons raided and the levels associated with those dungeons are listed below, with the link to a debriefing by the dungeon leader:

Dungeon Leader and
Secondary Leader
Staging Area Level
Runnyeye Vrill
Cold Comfort
Beholder's Maze, inside the tunnel to Runnyeye 16-25 Proceed to the Throne room of the Goblin King with no deaths and pull from rooms to either side
Permafrost Haemish
The Silver Daggers
entrance to Permfrost, past the Ice Giants
26-35 Clear the dungeon, including all the named spawns, up to the Goblin King himself
Splitpaw Belce
The Silver Daggers
South Karana,
The Tunnel to Infected Paw
36-43 Take down the Ishva Mal at the bottom of the dungeon
Kedge Keep Jzonn
Avenging Crusaders
Dagnor's Cauldron
Outside Unrest entrance
44+ Take down Phinigel Autotropos

The dungeon leader was to appoint group leaders (based on how many people came to the dungeon hunt) and break the participants up into groups of 6, each group led by the group leaders he or she appoints. These groups then "do" the dungeon, penetrating as far into the dungeon as they could, trying to achieve the goal listed above. Where possible, the groups were split evenly, with no two group members being in the same guild. Each dungeon leader will had a goal or set of goals to be accomplished that were communicated to the groups hunting the dungeons before beginning.

The purpose this event first and foremost was to teach and learn multi-group communication and coordination so that when we all gain the levels necessary to make planes and dragon raids, we are well-versed in these types of events and the tactics necessary. Secondary to this was to promote friendship and familiarity and fun between Council member guilds' individuals, and to promote the Council as a proactive body. Thirdly, it was to gain items and experience for each group, but this was the least important aspect of these raids.

Anyone was welcome to join this event, with the stipulations that:

  1. The Groups are led by the leaders appointed by the dungeon leader, and are to be followed at all times. Group leaders will have the right to disband any members who do not follow their lead. Dungeon leaders have the final say in any disputes.
  2. There will be no Ninjalooting. Any loot order from non-named spawns is to be determined by the group leader, and is controlled by the leader or group member he appoints. Any unique loot from named spawns (i.e. Bonecracker, Najena, gnoll commanders, etc.) is to be lottoed by the dungeon leader. This lotto is to be only among those who could actually USE the loot being lottoed. Any group member not following these rules will be disbanded.
  3. The Council is not responsible for any experience lost by any character who takes part in this hunt, nor is the Council responsible for recovering any corpses or providing any resurrections. The groups raiding the dungeons are to coordinate any corpse retreival among themselves, without calling in outside assistance. The point of these raids is to learn multi-group tactics necessary for successful planes raids, and oftentimes there is no one to call on for corpse retrieval when you die in the planes. As such, learning corpse retrieval is another important lesson.

Haemish MacLennan
Clan Chieftan
The Silver Daggers

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