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The Council of Guilds exists to further the player community on the Everquest server, Karana. We will work to create and maintain communcication between all the guilds on this server, both member guilds and non-member guilds. We want to provide events of all types to the players of Karana, including role-playing storylines, guildwars, competitions such as areana tournaments and relay races, traveling bard performances and any other fun activities that all players, guild members, independents, and friends will enjoy.

We do not exist to dictate rules to the guilds or independents. We are not a ruling body, nor do we have any say over the way our member guilds run their guilds. We are merely a forum for communication between the guilds that exist on the server. We recognize and tolerate all types of guilds, neutral, good, or evil, roleplaying, game playing and all types of guild in between. There are no requirements for a guild to join the Council other than be a recognized EQ guild.

No guild within the Council has more say than any other guild. We all have 1 vote and 1 vote only, no matter the size or type of guild. No one guild's voice is anymore or less important than any others. We are all equals here.

The Council is a voluntary organization, made up of between 1-2 delegates from each member guild. Membership is free and open to all guilds on the server. The individual guild is responsible for choosing the delegate that will represent that guild in the Council, and is responsible for that delegates actions in Council. All members will reap benefits from the Council based upon the amount of their input.

We realize that conflicts between guilds and personalities will arise. They are to be handled by the conflicting guilds or personalities in whatever way that they see fit. The Council will not force its will or judgement on any member guilds, nor is it responsible for settling said conflicts.

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This site is copyright © 2000 the Karana Council of Guilds.
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