Low-Level Open Arena Tournament:

On Saturday, October 21, at 2:00 PM CST, the Council of Guilds and the Silver Daggers will host a Low-Level Open Arena Tournament in the Freeport Arena in West Freeport. My warrior, Haemish MacLennan of the Silver Daggers, is heading up this spectacular event, and we hope to see many entrants.

Events Levels
Each event is broken into 4 level categories
  • One-on-one Battles
  • Free-For-All
  • Lvl. 1-3
  • Lvl. 4-7
  • Lvl. 8-9
  • Lvl. 10-11
    Lvl. 12-15


Prizes will be awarded to the last man standing in the final match of each event. The winner of each match will advance to the next round in a tiered system. Matches will be determined by the MC and all decisions and pairings are final.


Any character who uses an item, spell or ability that is not allowed by the tournament organizers will be disqualified. All decisions of the referees, registrants and MC of the tournament will be final.

We will not be restricting any specific gear beforehand.... however, the Council of Guilds reserve the right to disqualify or reject any entrant for using items not appropriate to his opponent's level. If you feel you have an item that could possibly be rejected, please be prepared to use an alternate item.

Buffs can be cast on characters before the match begins, but ONLY in an allotted amount of time before the match begins. Characters will be allowed buffs from themselves only or items they may be carrying, but ONLY in the amount of time allotted before the match begins. Contestants will have this much time before each match to buff:

One-On-One - 30 Seconds (Levels 1-3) Buff, 30 Seconds Meditation
1 Minute (All other levels) Buff, 1 Minute Meditation
Free-for-All - 30 Seconds (Levels 1-3) Buff, 30 Seconds Meditation
1 Minute (All other levels) Buff, 1 Minute Meditation

The MC will call TIME and BEGIN after the buff time has elasped, and the match will begin. No outside buffs can be cast at any time. Characters can cast buffs on themselves while in combat. NO outside interference, either with heals, offensive spells, etc. will be allowed, resulting in disqualification of the participant and his helper. If the helper is not a contestant, they will be asked to leave the arena.

No Casting Invisibility or Rogue's Sneak/Hide Before the match begins - during the match is acceptable.

Pets are allowed.

No attacks on another character trying to retrieve their body.

No looting of anyone's corpse. Anyone thought to be attempting this will be attacked by the referees.

No attacks BY a character retrieving their body. We'll bind people outside the arena and give them time to retreive their corpse before the next match.

Free-for-all matches will be last, restricted to the levels already mentioned. Pets are allowed here, as it will require the spell caster to pick his targets or have his pet guard him. This should be gloriously chaotic, with the last man standing the winner.

Random Trivia events - A random trivia question will be asked and the first shout to answer correctly wins a prize. The asker of questions, the MC will be the judge of this event, and his decisions are final.

Let's Get Ready to RUMMMMBLLLLLLE!

Haemish MacLennan
Clan Chieftan
The Silver Daggers

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