Low-Level Open Arena Tournament:

On Saturday, October 21, at 2:00 PM CST, the Karana Council of Guilds hosted a Low-Level Open Arena Tournament in the Freeport Arena in West Freeport. Haemish MacLennan of the Silver Daggers, headed up this spectacular event, which saw many entrants, all of whom won much glory and honor. The events we had were:

Events Levels
Each event is broken into 4 level categories
  • One-on-one Battles
  • Free-For-All
  • Lvl. 1-3
  • Lvl. 4-7
  • Lvl. 8-11
  • Lvl. 12-15

Prizes and Volunteers

Prizes were donated by many members of the Council, and I'll attempt to list them here. I apologize in advance for missing anyone who donated a prize, or any guilds whose members donated a prize. This list is far from complete. This is also a list of those guilds who helped out with the time it took to help run the event, which spanned over 11 hours. Some of these brave souls and guilds were there from the first minute to the last, and I must thank them, for without them, this could not have happened.

  • Darkwater Clan (especially Shadusanator, Dadi, Aeriann among others)
  • Brethren of the Arcane Fist (especially Shadex)
  • Zymeck (not sure what guild)
  • Vale Patrol (especially Pippi who volunteered to teleport contestants from Qeynos)
  • Seekers of Knowledge (especially Aerlana)
  • Oweapon (not sure which guild)
  • Silver Daggers (especially Cassia, Belce, Chewintar, Oakmon, Atton, Jencei, and Rastaman)
  • Avatars of Fate (including Decided, Baltazzar and Solis)
  • Legacy (including Saffaroth)
  • Logix (not sure what guild)
  • Legends of Valor (especially Calmair)
  • Illuminatus (especially Azuriem)
  • Haven (especially Edina)
  • Fellowship of Faydark (especially Ogun and Katellin and Raval)
  • Rayjnor (not sure what guild)
  • Jillee

And that's just the ones I can remember. If I missed anyone, I apologize, as we were being handed prizes all day. Most people who came by or heard our shouts wanted to help in some way, and I was amazed at the outpouring of support we had on this event.


Level 1-3
The events began with the levels 1-3, which had 6 entrants, including a brave level 1 who fought those 2 levels above her, by the name of Calade. The contestants were:

Baladaf (3 cleric)
Aandare (3 monk)

The one-on-one battles were won by the dwarven cleric Baladaf, with some canny strategy, and the timely use of heals and flashes of light to blind his opponents. Aandare won the Free-for-All event, and was 2nd in the one-on-one, which started with all the other contestants pounding the cleric into the ground before turning on each other.

Levels 4-7
The 4-7 events had a good turnout, with a total of 11 contestants, though one only entered the Free-for-all event. There were some really good fights here, even though the winner entered wearing his best shadowknight armour, much better equipped than the other contestants. However, there were many fights were he almost lost despite his armour, including the Free for all. The contestants were:

Fieryfist (5 monk)
Evilfinger (5 Necromancer)
Calmair (6 Shaman)
Macens(5 Bard)
Toopac (7 Shadowknight)
Guffwin (7 Warrior)
Daebie (5 Monk)
BaxtonBaxton(5 Magician)
Strawberries (7 Wizard - FFA only)

All contestants fought well, and much glory was won, with the winner of both events being Toopac, the 7th Shadowknight in the pretty purple armour. The fastest match had to be when Daebie pouded BaxtonBaxton into the ground in less than 1 minute. Aarnanin was 2nd in the One-on-One event.

Levels 8-11
As the levels got higher, the number of entrants grew, with this level bracket having 11 contestants. The highlight of this bracket was the Mage, Yibiin, who almost effortlessly fought off all comers in the One-on-One battle, though honorable mention must go to Timmah of the Avatars of Fate guild for beating a Necromancer that everyone had bet would win. The contestants were:

Qaaz (10 wizard)
Fazlazen (10 enchanter)
Swordbelover (10 warrior)
Manadin (10 ranger)
Yibiin (10 mage)
Nlaanie (10 warrior)
Zycon (10 unsure of the class)
Timmah (11 Warrior)
Extol (10 Necromancer)
Dvaras (11 unsure of the class)
Nycrox (11 shaman)

The winner of the One-on-One event was Yibiin, who fought off 3 well-trained melee class opponents. Timmah finished 2nd in this event, giving a good accounting of himself in a both his battle with the mage and with Extol the Necromancer. In the Free-for-all event, the contestants in this bracket had learned the lessons of the One-on-One events, and all ganged up on Yibiin. During this match, I went linkdead, and by the time I returned, it was over, but I believe that Zycon won this huge melee.

Level 12-15
Those who had the fortitude to stay for this event were treated to a fun and rewarding contest. All entrants in this bracket who stayed around long enough received 100pp just for competing, in addition to prizes given to the winner and runner up in both the One-on-One and Free-for-All. 13 contestants in all entered, though not all stayed for the Free-for-All, it still made for a large scrum with 8 contestants in the FFA. The contestants were:

Healux (15 cleric)
Rastaman (15 Paladin) Silver Daggers guild
Rustyfist (15 monk)
Bryden (15 ?)
Fardain (12 Shaman)
Aerlanna (12 enchanter) Seekers of Knowledge guild
Rayjnor (14 Cleric)
Aeriann (15 Druid) Darkwater Clan
Bibuk (12 ?)
Zymed (12 Cleric)
Loulana (14 Druid) Seekers of Knowledge guild
Tesse (15 Warrior)

The winner of the One-on-One contest was Tesse, the most agile dark elf warrior I've ever seen. Highlights include a grueling 15 minute match between Tesse and Rastaman, which involved a long series of hit and run attacks by Tesse (followed by Rastaman attempting to chase her down). Rayjnor ended up with 2nd place in this event. The Free-for-All had its own memorable moments, as a Linkdead Loulana proceeded to bash Extol into the dirt relentlessly. Aeriann tried to use the hide and med method of fighting, as it came down to her and Rastaman. Despite the nukes and stealth of Aeriann, Rastaman tracked her down, though he had to burn many heals and his Lay on Hands to survive. For his victory, Rastaman received Iksar Scaled Gloves, Aeriann won the Braided Ivy Chord and Tesse got the Bladed Thulian Claws for the One-on-One.

This event was a long grueling one, lasting over 10 hours, and over 11 hours for the organizer and volunteers. Those who stayed until their bracket were done were rewarded with a prize of some form, meaning almost all participants were rewarded with something, including the experience. Audience members were also rewarded with trivia questions for prizes thrown out sporadically during the day. With 42 contestants, 10-20 volunteers or more, and at least 20-40 audience members during the whole day, this event drew well over 100 people, one of the largest and longest events I've ever been involved with. We had a few disturbances, and learned a few things about these type of events, all of which I discuss in my Events Rant. I again wish to thank everyone involved, including those who helped that I may have forgotten, those who participated, those who watched and all involved. Good hunting to you all!

Haemish MacLennan
Clan Chieftan
The Silver Daggers

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